Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo 3:1

When we were in the hospital starting this lifestyle change I became so frustrated. It seemed so obvious to me of better ways the could present the food other than cups of oil or heavy cream. The most obvious thing to me was alfredo.


75 grams of shiratake tofu noodles
30 grams of cream
20 grams of raw chicken breast
18 grams of steamed broccoli
15 grams of olive oil
7 grams of butter
7 grams of Romano cheese
1 gram of garlic

In a small skillet sauté your chicken with half the oil. I seasoned the chicken with Mrs.Dash tomato basil garlic, you could use whatever you feel goes best.

Prepare the noodles pee the package instructions. Once they are cooked, in a small pot, melt your butter, and pour in the rest of your oil. Add in your garlic and let it cook a minute or two in the fat before adding in the cream. Mix the cream into the oil and butter mixture until it is combined completely then mix in cheese. Add all ingredients and mix well. Pour into bowl and serve.


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